Become a FacetHub Affiliate! Friends (Business Owners & Solopreneurs) If you are passionate about a topic and want to start earning some extra funds talking (blog, vlog ... however you log 🤓 ) about it: ***OPPORTUNITY ALERT*** Apply to be a paid FacetHub affiliate! Details below 👇 Send a sneak peak of a blog you would or have produced and the topic you wish to focus on now. Address below 👇 We are looking for commission-based 🤳 bloggers to become traffic-generating affiliates ... writing about your topic and sprinkling a few links. Details provided upon application approval. 📣 Custom domain provided and no-startup fees required, just a few of your words and a spark of your creativity...and as much time as you want to give. Rising tides raise all boats, right? 😎 Interested? Submit your applications (Snippit of you and what you do!) to: Address below 👇 The team will review applications and get a selected group of people...
Social Butterfly in You Let's talk about social media posts. How to create them when you "suck at computers." I hear this all the time when discussing how to stay relevant on social media without bombarding yourself with extra tasks at a device when being creative is the last thing on your mind. I've generated over 3 million views on social media for my clients, and here is a secret. I don't use photoshop but maybe 3x a month. It's not important to get results. What is important is having a graphic with your quote...or having a picture with your sales link. Visuals help attract more following and engagement because no one reads anymore. ( I say this as I write a blog... ) There are fantastic and free programs available to create posts directly from your phone, and post them when in a hurry.(Try Desygner) They even hold your designs in an account so that you can edit them from a computer as well. They have tons of handy templates available for differen...