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How often do I post?

Social Media scares business people sometimes. It's like this little hungry monster living inside your phone shouting "FEED ME" every time you check for messages. Calm down. The monster doesn't eat much.

Seriously-- posting your new sales or specials on social media doesn't have to be rocket science, but there is a science to it. Post often enough to keep your customers enticed, and go long enough between posts to keep them from hitting the "Hide" button.

How Often to Post
A good rule of thumb is to post 1 time per day, or 3 times per week. This is the safe amount that won't bug your followers, but will allow the social media algorithms to keep showing your content to your potential customers. You see, we all have those social accounts that we follow that end up hating because they post every link, contest, quote and cat meme they see.

There's a difference in posting relevant content that will help your followers engage with your page more often.

Attraction Marketing
Bringing new people to your business who love your style is the point of social media. Using a technique I started to coin many years ago, Attraction Marketing, will do just this while keeping your page social and friendly, instead of salesy and annoying. On average, it is a good idea to post 20% of the time with a sales link or special offer to what your business provides. The other 80% should be filled with fun, engaging, informative, and exciting content that relates to your business or style, but brings people to your page because they like your posts. When they like one or two of your posts, because they're a funny joke or an interesting quote, it will show them more of your posts and they will likely come to your page and click the ever wanted, "LIKE" button. This type of posting "ATTRACTS" your new customers with good content. People might now know they need your book, but if they see stuff that they like that you also like, they begin to like you-- and when they like you, they're a warmer sale on the book you want to sell them.

Scheduling Your Posts
Instead of spending hours a day posting and creating your content and hoping to find the right link for an article that you want to share, schedule it all. You can use platforms such as Hootsuite to schedule everything from one spot and have it post at the appropriate times throughout the day. How to do this? It's a lot easier than it seems. Set aside a few hours on an office day where you are relaxed and near a computer.
  • Make a list of ideas you want to talk about this week to your followers
  • Spend 20-30 minutes gathering pictures, links, and quotes that fit your topics
  • Login to Hootsuite and create these posts one by one. 
  • Set your posts for once or twice a day, at the best time when your readers are on their phones. 
  • Then wait. 
As your scheduled posts roll out, and your followers begin to interact, the only thing you'll be responsible for throughout the week is to make sure that any comments or questions about your products or topics are answered.

Doing this takes the guess work out of thinking on the spot. It also saves your reputation... Let's face it, typing a post on a phone with big thumbs can be obnoxious and create more spelling errors than we are willing to accept. This way, you can type out your messages and quotes on a regular computer.

The best part about scheduling your posts for the week ahead of time is that your online reputation becomes stronger and stronger without any stress from you. You spend an hour or two bringing your ideas to life and the internet brings your new customers your way. You can relax and have your business, too. Well, as much as you can relax when running a business. It's easy to get overwhelmed with everything running a business entails, but that doesn't mean that sloughing off social media tasks is the best way to relieve tasks that seem daunting. It's important to market your business. Social media brings billions of people to your fingertips if you post. If you don't, they look for your competitor.

So, therefore... schedule. Post. Engage. Relax. Spend your extra time ironing out some of the other wrinkles that running a business causes, instead of trying find the right emoji for your new product!