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Showing posts from August, 2017

Reasons to Own Your Own Domain

It is very important in today's world to utilize the internet. Right now, there are talks about making the internet less than free for everyone to use. I mean, we have to pay to use it now... but only to a large company who brokers our access. In the future, they might not sell our access to us, or might only sell bits and pieces. This is awful and needs to not happen because it's a direct hit on the booming internet business trend taking over society. **PUT ON HAPPINESS & RAINBOWS WORK HAT** However, it's the internet and no one can break the internet. Which means that for all of you who thought that it would come & go and you wouldn't have to learn how to use it--- It's here. You're here. Guess you learned how to use it, huh? OWNING A DOMAIN It's important, since you've embraced your internet knowledge, to own some internet real estate. Owning a domain name feels a bit like that the first time you go through the process... Picking out...